Wednesday, November 02, 2005

TBR Wednesday Run

I made the trek up to Carrolwood for the Tampa Bay Runners Wednesday run this evening. The group has been meeting at Publix since 1982, according to the web site. Manny and Rick were back from the Saturday run. We again ran with David, this time running the 5 mile loop. David pretty much let the group set the pace, and Manny set a pace that was quite a bit faster than I normally run. In addition to the quick pace, this was my first evening run I can remember for a long time. I kept up with the group for the first four miles, but fell off the pace. I felt I ran strong even though I wasn't able to keep up with the sub 8 minute pace that last mile.

Map of TBR Wed I finished the 5.35 mile loop in 41:53, definitely much faster than I normally run. I think running with the group will help me become a better runner, since I feel motivated to elevate my effort. My goal is to improve without pushing myself into an injury. So far, I feel good and have not pushed too hard.

This Saturday we will meet again for an 8 mile run. I expect the pace to be a bit slower than tonight, which will be good for me. My goal for the marathon is to finish and I understand that running sub 8 minute miles out of the gate will not get me to the tape. However, runs like tonight serve a purpose to improve speed, something I have not focused on.

So far, this experience has been enjoyable. The Tampa Bay Runners and YMCA Blue Sharks have gone above and beyond to help our group of first time marathoners out.

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