Monday, November 28, 2005

New Shoes - Good Run

My Mizuno's started bothering my feet this weekend during the 12-mile run with the Blue Sharks, so I decided it was time to bring out a new pair of shoes. I didn't quite get 300 miles out of the Mizuno's, but they served me well while I had them. I switched to the 2004 version of the Asics GT-2100 this time around. In the past, I've had good luck with the GEL-1100's so I bought the 2100's when they were on sale a month or so ago. I also knabbed a pair of 1100's for $39 last week at Sports Authority. My comfort and health are most important when I buy new shoes, but I'm always looking for a good deal as well.

Today I ran the 5-mile loop at Lettuce Lake. When I left the gym, the sky was getting pretty dark and it felt quite muggy out. Fortunately the temps were down, probably low 70's I would guess. I felt very good today, running each of the 5 miles under 8 minutes/mi. I was worried yesterday that I might have some trouble today because my foot was bothering me. I feel some discomfort now that I'm back into some dress shoes, but my foot felt fine while I was running.

By the time I got back to my desk, I noticed that the rain was coming down. Looks like I timed my run just right today.


Mark said...

hey dude! you found our running blog family map and entered your info. Cool. I was just in the process of revamping it and changing it over to a google map interface so I'm glad you were able to get it to work. We will be announcing it shortly so you are ahead of the game. :)

Chris said...

Pretty cool little app. I had to reverse LAT and LONG to get it to work, as stated in the directions. I'm sure it will be interesting to see when you make your big announcment and more runners are plotted.