This time around, I decided to get something built for sport and I tried out several pairs before choosing a pair of Oakley Polarized Flak Jacket Sunglasses
My runs are not usually near water, although the Florida sun is extremely bright. My wife's eye doctor recommends polarized lenses because she says glare causes damage to the eye, and protecting against UVa and UVb are not enough to assure healthy eyes. I've been fortunate to have adequate eye site without prescription lenses and I look at my sunglasses as a measure to protect my eyes.
My first run with the glasses was a huge change from my old pair. No more glare, the sun can't get in above the rim, because the frame fits snug. I'm glad I went with a new pair of glasses, even though I didn't want to spend the money on them.
Saturday, I ended my with with a 4 mile run, bringing my total miles for the week to 20. I'm feeling my conditioning improve significantly already. It feels so good to run and not feel like your legs are going to give out at any minute.
Today, I ran another 4 mile loop at home. It was rainy this morning - (we really need it), so I ran in the afternoon. The wind from yesterday died down and the four miles clipped by very nicely. Can't wait to get back out tomorrow :)
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